Saturday, March 7, 2015

A change of direction 2.0

Photo Credit: Pablo Rivas
Photo Credit: Pablo Rivas
Hay guys so this is my second attempt at launching my first episode to JSP the Vlog, had some ID10T issues and uploaded something that I shouldn't have. So like I said I am going to be starting a Vlog one Youtube, its pretty much what I had attempted with the blog. I am changing things up because for one writing is not my forte and I really haven’t been posting as much as I should. I feel like you guys are missing out on a lot of good things that go through my head and some not so good. I want all of you guys to have a better insight to my journey and what I am doing. The reason why is because I have been reached out to by some of you guys telling me how much I have inspired you. Thats such a great thing, it makes me feel good to know that I have helped someone in some way with my story. Its great for those of you who have been inspired to take a positive steps in your life, and I hope that through the Vlog I am able to do the same for more people. Plus I like working with video and learning to edit, I find it more enjoyable then writing, not to say I don't like to write I have really started to enjoy it. To be honest I am not sure what this means for the blog, I am not going to make any promises. I do hope you guys like the change and look forward to the next video post. This one Is for the most part going to be what what I have just gone over so far here in the blog either with this post or past ones. To watch the first episode click here

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