Monday, November 17, 2014

Attention Fellow Fluffy People!!!!!

So what do I want to do with Javi’s Secret Project, with health I want to loose the weight for me and no one else. Even though its for me that doesn't mean that I can’t do it for others, I want all those who are just as uncomfortable in their own skin as I once was to be inspired. Thats why I’m taking my story to the internet, I am doing it for you sitting there at your computer trying to find the easiest way to accomplish your goals with health and fitness. I am going to show you what to expect what you have to start doing. It’s a long journey, and not an easy one to get started, but once you get it started its impossible to stop. Its like crack (or what I would imagine crack would be like) once you get started all you want is more, it honestly feels great to get out there and run. 

So how do you get to that point in the first place, from what I have found the biggest thing is getting your head right. Once your mind is on track with your soul you are unstoppable. If you think about it what stops you every time? Its the reason why you have failed in the past, it’s your way of thinking, but all is not lost. The first things is that you have to start giving a fuck about yourself. Now I know that might be a little harsh but its needed, listen to the message and don’t let the language distract you from the meaning. This was something that was shared with me by my buddy Cris, he told me this and it got me thinking. I went through my head looking at what I do day in and day out which wasn't shit, because I didn't give a shit. About you, me or anything non of it really mattered all because I wasn't happy with what I had become. You have to be honest with yourself when you look in the mirror. Start to see the parts of your body that you didn't want to look at, because you are ashamed of it, then except it. Except that that is not you, this is the biggest part of it all, this is when the brain starts to think a little differently and things don't seem so hopeless. 

This was the turning point for me, it was when I said enough is enough Im not going to let me kill myself, I am no longer going to rob myself from the life that I want to live. I think the negative thoughts the depression and everything else that was going on was important it was necessary to get me to the next step. It almost made me  angry when I first started thinking about what I've allowed myself to become. Thats whats needed, that anger to fuels you in the direction you need to go. Its what I use when I want to quite while running “ no you can’t slow down, you've been slowing down your whole life now is the time to push”  I would say

that to myself when I felt tired or like I reached my limits. Once you've found that drive then you can move on to the next thing.

 For me the biggest help was all of my friends the ones that run with me the ones that notice the difference between Javi right now and Javi 3 weeks ago. All of them helped me with what I am embarking on, thats what every one needs. You can do this on your own, but Psychologically speaking we tend to do better when we are apart of a group or team. Its in our nature to want to be apart of a group to be excepted, and getting people involved in your weight loss is like adding to your team. They become apart of your wolf pack, even if all they can do is cheer you on form the side lines  it still helps. Guess what, the internet is great for this you can find a group of like minded people of any sorts. So if you don't have any friends in “real life” then go to the internet and build a healthy relationship with someone. 

You all can start the journey today, don’t put it off till tomorrow, tomorrow is not good enough and it never comes. Plus the first step is easy, find the biggest mirror in the house and then stand in front of it naked. Take a look at yourself every inch pretend like its the first time you have ever seen your own body, for some of you (like myself) this will be the first time that you are aware of your body. Take a look at what you see be conscious of your insecurities, and what you are unhappy with. Then look into your eyes trying to peer deep into your own soul, then tell “yourself I love me for me, for who I am, I am a good person. The clothes I wear and the skin i live in are not the building blocks of who I am. I am much more then the the superficial, and the exterior.” You have to know what it means when you say this, it means that the soul is what makes the person and not the skin or the clothing that they wear. You do this and you will start giving a fuck about yourself and you will be unstoppable. 

Together we can change the world, this is Javi’s Secret Project. 

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