Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Mental Struggle

Hello everyone, my name is Javier Villagomez and I’m fluffy and tiered of it. Today is the first day, not to train or to start to lose the weight but the first day that I openly speak my mind about it. I have already started to loose some weight and as of yesterday I am at 289.1lbs which is down from 309lbs. So I have had some success (with training for half marathon), but like most fluffy people the number on the scale is not the only thing that needs to get fixed. The mind is just as important, it has to get fixed just as bad as that number on the scale. With out the right state of mind you are doomed to fail at anything in life, the brain our most powerful and versatile muscle. This is where I am going to exercise that muscle, days that I want to say something I will get on here and do just that. I want to dedicate this first blog to my good friend Jon Boo, of all my friends the one that was the most relentless about me starting this very blog. 


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